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Easy flashing procedures for sony ericsson

Before start the process read the article fully...
1. First install setoolon your system.
2. After that install one more software named gg-setup
3. now download"advanced bass" ( request if u need more drivers or other modification files by ur comment)
4. if u r downloaded a specific file frm there. Then u wil get a zip file and just extract it.then u can see again a zip file named "ifs".this is our master file for flashing.but, dont unzip that ifs.
5. then just open the software setool.exe which u downloaded early. here we shouldmore careful bcoz there is a chance to damage ur phone if u are doing anything wrong.
6. ok just select the phone model as w200.then just open that "ifs" zip file in the "MISC FILES" tab. (dont upload anything in other tabs). now u can c the path of that file in the MISC tab.
7. switch off ur phone.then plug the usb cable but dont connect the phone.
8. click "FLASH".Then the software tells u to "hold ur phone's "C" button and connect the cable".do it correctly. (when u connecting the 1st time the cable to phone windows automatically copy the drivers for flash cable.after finishing the driver setup just click again flash and do the same step.)after sometime it shows ready. then disconnet ur phone and switch on. SEE THE MAGIC! now.
Here sony ericsson w200i audio bass modification driver has taken as the examle... the same procedure is for other mobiles and other drivers( camera and display) but the flahing file may vary(ifs file that uploaded in MISC tab). If u already know about flashing and if u want any patch files feel free to ask them in ur comments.

N95 product codes

0534841 - EURO1 - Sand
0534842 - FRANCE
0534843 - ALPS
0534844 - EURO2
0534845 - TURKEY
0534848 - BALTIAN
0534849 - RUSSIAN
0534850 - UKRAINE
0534851 - CIS, Bulgaria
0534852 - EURO3
0534853 - BALKANS
0534854 - GREECE, CYPROS
0534857 - ISRAEL
0534833 - SINGAPORE
0536062 - EURO1 - Plum
0536063 - FRANCE
0536064 - ALPS
0536065 - EURO2
0536066 - TURKEY
0536069 - BALTIAN
0536070 - RUSSIAN
0536071 - UKRAINE
0536072 - CIS, Bulgaria
0536074 - EURO3
0536075 - BALKANS
0536076 - GREECE, CYPROS
0536079 - ISRAEL
0534832 - Hong Kong
0536084 - Hong Kong
0534830 - Taiwan
0536083 - Taiwan
0534833 - Apac 1
0536085 - Apac 1
0534834 - Philippines
0534835 - Australia
0534836 - New Zealand
0534837 - Indonesia
0536086 - Philippines
0536087 - Australia
0536088 - New Zealand
0536089 - Indonesia
0548298 - India Apac 2
0548299 - India Apac 2
0535053 - Thailand
0536093 - Thailand
0534839 - Vietnam
0536091 - Vietnam
0548986 - India
0534856 - Arabic
0549001 - Australia (sand)
0534849 - RUSSIAN (sand)
0534850 - UKRAINE (sand)
0536070 - RUSSIAN (plum)
0536071 - UKRAINE (plum)

Nokia Codes Secrets Tips and Tricks

*#06# IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
*#92702689# Life timer (W A R 0 A N T Y) - The amount of time your phone has spent sending and receiving calls.
*#0000# Firmware version and date, Phone Model and Operator Variant
*#7370# Format phone (R E S 0 ?)

*#7780# Factory Reset (R S T 0 ?)
*#62209526# Wireless MAC Address (M A C _ W L A N)
*#2820# Bluetooth MAC address (B T A 0?)
#*9045029** -> God mode.
###86868**## -> Unlimited ammo.

N95 picture viewer:
2 – Scroll up (when zoomed)
4 – Scroll left (when zoomed)
5 – Zoom in (12.5%/25%/50%)
6 – Scroll right (when zoomed)
8 – Scroll down (when zoomed)
0 – Zoom out

Press and hold (in Standby):
Right selection key: Voice commands
Multimedia Key: Now Playing
1: Voicemail
2-9: shortcuts to address book you need to set up first
0: Web
#: Switches between General and Silent modes - not supported by all Operator Variants (when composing messages will switch between character and number input when held down)

12# (etc) in standby will dial the number held in location 12 on your SIM address book

All codes Secrets for Nokia 6600

This Most tricks applicable works also with Nokia 7610, 6670 too
*#06# Serial Number/IMEI indicates
xx# Directory quick access (xx = storage location and afterwards lozenge e.g. 24 #)
On/Off key -short pressing for menu for switching between profiles
Menu key - Long pressing for "task manager" - switching between active programs (with "C" key programs can be terminated.)
Menu quick access - Over in the menu e.g. to point 3.1 arrive simply 31 enter (if the third symbol a file is opened is for these and then in it started the first Programm/Icon).
No Autostart - When switching the phone on up to the pin inquiry press the whole time the "ABC" key (pen) - this is to ignore the autoinitialization programs (and the MMC programs) - "safeboot".
*#0000# ==> Displays your phones software version
*#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work
*#2820# ==> Bluetooth (BT) device address indicate
12345 ... standard Nokia nokia-securitycode.
0000 ... standard PIN2 at Vodafone 
Caution - starting from here the codes are "dangerous" must be dealt with cautiously
... is to delete the code around the "wallet" 
At the normal telephone number (no code wallet inquiry windows). 
NOTE! After the wallet is empty, can again be placed on but with new code.
------------------------------------------------------------ ----
*#7780# - Reset to original settings
NOTE! Afterwards various "attitudes" are away - among other things these: 
Points of entrance (Provider dependent points of entrance and attitudes) 
Bluetooth attitudes 
Allocation of the two keys (beside Navi keys) in the main menue 
Profiles are "neglected" (as with distribution) - still there however new bell tones, etc. are... 
SMS/MMS/E Mail attitudes 
Logos and spielstaende (allegedly) also deleted... 
Programs, calendars and contacts, etc. not changed... 
------------------------------------------------------------ ----
*#7370# - Soft format - resets all the telefone Memory (like Formatting a disk
NOTE! Battery should be full up to at least 75%, do not accomplish during the procedure under any circumstances ! The procedure takes some minutes (approx. 3-4)
Green dial key,-Star key (*)-Three key (3) (Green, * 3) - FLASHING 6600 - Hard format: If the Mobile (only telephone memory) formats, puts back the attitudes (see * to # 7780 #) and implements a RESET.
NOTE! Battery should be full up to at least 75%, do not accomplish during the procedure under any circumstances ! The procedure takes some minutes (approx. 3-4)
Proceeding: Equipment switch off, keep "green key" (take off) at the same time pressed, "*" and to "3" key and switch the equipment on (the keys thereby keep further pressed)... to "Formatting" on the display appears...
------------------------------------------------------------ ----
Mixed * # 92702689 #, then switch - system menu off (goes with me not)
The following code do not fold (with me also): 
* EFR0 # (* 3370 #) EFR activate (EFR = Enhanced Full rate Coding - language optimization) 
# EFR0 # (# 3370 #) EFR switch off 
* HRC # (* 4720 #) HRC switch on (HRC = helped rate Coding - language compression) 
# HRC0 # (# 4720 #) HRC switch off 
------------------------------------------------------------ ---- 
SIM LOCK Simlock status query: (use "*" the key over "p,w" and "+" indications to enter) 
# pw+ 1234567890 +1 # Provider LOCK status 
# pw+ 1234567890 +2 # network LOCK status 
# pw+ 1234567890 +3 # Country LOCK status 
# pw+ 1234567890 +4 # Sim Card LOCK status 
The code 1234567890 must be computed with a program e.g. SmartDCT4Calc and/or DCT 4 code Calculator from IMEI, etc.... 
Info. to Simlock: SIM LOCK makes it for the offerer/network carriers possible, subsidized Handys to offer. Thus one makes oneself if necessary punishable if one SIM LOCK deactivated - in addition the warranty can purged. I take over for it no adhesion or responsibility!

archive all your SMS messages on the Gmail account

ave your phone memory archive sms

Psiloc GSync allows you to automatically archive all your SMS messages on the Gmail™ account. The SMS messages appear as e-mails, are marked as read and labelled as SMS. Messages exchanged with same people are grouped into threads. You can configure how often messages are archived.

Hide unwanted images from gallery

Hiding these images is extremely simple and can be done for free with my favorite freeware browser - Y-Browser

First open Y-browser and select [options] -> [search files]. Now in the “Filename” field, input a picture title followed by “.*” as pictured below (since you don’t know what format the picture is). Then select [Options] -> [Start search]. You do not need to do this if you know the directory where the images are stored of course.

Once you have found your file in the list of search results, highlight it and select [Options] -> [File] -> [Attributes].

Now simply change “System” and “Hidden” to yes and select [Save].

repeat same for all files you want to be hide.

and finally restart the phone.

Key in Proxy settings for access point in NOKIA S40 v2 v3

As we all know, Nokia doesn't allow one to specify a proxy for an Access Point in Series 40 v2 and v3 phones (6131, 6133, 3110c ...) etc.

In its recent versions of the Series40 OS (v2 & v3), Nokia has removed the ability to specify a proxy server associated with an access point. Therefore, those with WAP network plans (such as TMobileWeb users, Airtel NOP users) are unable to use JAVA programs that require internet access (such as Opera Mini, Google Maps, ...).

However, Nokia does allow users to create a provisioning document on their computer. This document, created in wbxml, specifies an access point along with a proxy. The S40 phone recognizes the configuration settings in the document and allows the JAVA midlet to use those instead, thereby allowing the midlet to access the proxy. Its very simple to implement.

The files included in the zip provide some sample xml documents, and the associated provisioning (.prov) files.

Click here to download Nokia S40 proxy settings for JAVA applications ZIP file

figure it out yourself, genius.
NokiaJAVAProxy.wml: The wml file that you can edit if you need/want different proxy settings.
NokiaJAVAProxy.prov: The actual binary wbxml provisioning file that should be sent to your phone (via bluetooth or usb). This can NOT be manually edited.

1: Push the "NokiaJAVAProxy.prov" file to your phone using Bluetooth. send the file via "Send File..." option only do not copy paste to your phone ("object push", not file transfer). If your are unable to do it, just transfer it to any bluetooth supported phone and send that file via bluetooth to your phone.

2: The phone will recognize the configuration settings, and will prompt you to save them. Don't worry if it says "no supported applications".

3: Go to Settings->Configuration->Default Config. Settings, and change the default config to [the name of the configuration we just loaded].

That's it! JAVA midlets like Opera Mini, Google Maps, MGMaps, etc... should work now.

Detailed README file is inside the zip file.

Mobile TV Elite Software With No More Monthly Payments

There is a new way that you can actually watch Mobile TV on the go or even on demand. This is software that has turned many heads and has saved many people thousands of dollars in monthly cable payments. This software is known as Mobile TV Elite software. What this does is it allows you to watch satellite TV from your phone for only one lifetime fee. With new types of television cable coming out almost every year, you may have a few questions if this can really be a good deal or not.

Well first off; having Mobile TV Elite on your phone can save you a ton of money in the long run. If you got this software you can totally kiss your cable bill goodbye and never have to worry about it coming back again. When you get Mobile TV Elite software you only have to pay once and once only for the rest of your life. You may be thinking well it sounds good so far, but I don't like the fact that it is on my phone.

Visit Mobile TV Elite website.

To be honest, maybe you don't have a fast phone or your graphics arent to great on it. You can actually buy a cord that can have the ability to hook your phone up to your TV so that you can view whatever you are playing on your computer onto your TV. So, just open up your Mobile TV Elite software and bam, you have Mobile TV Elite transferred onto your real television.

Mobile TV Elite software also comes with a minimum of 1000 channels. Of course there will be a low price but you wont be disappointed in the channels you receive. Especially if you enjoy television a lot.

Visit Mobile TV Elite website.

You will be able to watch any show that you like on this software. There are channels like CNN, ESPN, CW, FOX and pretty much everything that is basic plus thousands more. Its exactly like satellite TV that you pay for monthly, but on your computer instead.

If you don't like commercials either, you can kiss them away for good. No more ever having to miss a show of yours again also because you can search for it in the database and pull it up so you can watch it whenever you want to. So, there is a little background information on the Mobile TV Elite software for a phone. Hopefully you will now have a better understanding on what exactly this software has to offer and you can make your decision a little bit better now.

For more information, you can check out:

==>> Go Here: Visit Mobile TV Elite website.


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