
Adding More Control to Clarify

If you want a little more control in the Clarify effect than you can get with the Strength settings, try duplicating the layer you want to clarify, apply the effect to the duplicate layer, and then adjust the opacity of the duplicate layer to moderate the strength of the effect.

Another technique that has been suggested is to split the image to RGB (Image...Split Channel...Split to RGB), apply Clarify to each channel, and then recombine the channels (Image...Combine Channel...Combine from RGB).

Creating Bullets When Using the Text Tool

There are a couple of ways to add bullets to text in PSP:

The first way is very simple, and will work with many fonts:
Choose the Text tool.
Click on the image where you want to place the text - this will put you into "text edit", either in the Text Entry box, or directly on the image (PSP X3+).
Type the text you want bulleted.
Move the cursor in the Text Entry box or on the image to the location where you want to place the bullet, hold down the ALT key and type 0149 using the Numeric Keypad on your keyboard. Sometimes a smaller or square bullet can be created by typing 0183 instead.
The second method uses the Windows Character Map program:
Choose the Text tool.
Click on the image where you want to place the text - this will put you into "text edit", either in the Text Entry box, or directly on the image (PSP X3+).
Type the text you want bulleted.
Return to Windows and choose Start, click on Run, and type CharMap in the Run Open box - this will bring up the Character Map dialog.
Choose any installed font from the Font drop-list at the top of the dialog.
When you find a bullet you like, click the Select button, and then the Copy button.
Return to PSP, place the cursor where you want the bullet, and press CTRL + V to paste the bullet. You might need to backspace to return the text to the same line as the bullet.

Note: In PSP X3, the second method does not appear to work if you are editing text directly on the image. However, if you activate the Text Entry box to edit text (SHIFT + LEFT-CLICK), this method works.

How To Reset Cache

PSP builds cache files on your computer to improve program performance. Sometimes, these PSP cache files become corrupted. You might have installed Picture Tubes that are not showing, or Preset Shapes. Or you're seeing duplicates of your Picture Tubes. When this happens, the best thing to do is to reset cache, deleting all the cache files so PSP can rebuild them. To do this:

Choose File...Preferences...Reset Preferences.
In the Reset the Application dialog, CHECK the "Delete all cache files" checkbox.
Click the OK button.
Exit PSP - the cache files will be deleted.
Restart PSP - the cache files will be rebuilt as needed.

Using the Graphite Workspace Theme in PSP

The default installation of PSP X2+ has a brand new look called the Graphite Workspace Theme. If you prefer the classic PSP interface, or to turn the Graphite Workspace Theme on and off, click on the menu item View...Use Graphite Workspace Theme.

Updating Back to Animation Shop From PSP

Even though Animation Shop no longer ships with PSP, the ability to export frames from Animation Shop back to PSP is still intact (this capability was temporarily lost with PSP XI, but restored with the first PSP XI patch). To export frames from Animation Shop to PSP, choose File...Export Frames...To Paint Shop Pro (SHIFT + X).

Note: If you have more than one version of PSP open, the frames will be exported to the most recently-used copy of PSP. If you do not have any version of PSP open, the version of PSP that installed Animation Shop will open - on my system, that's PSP 9.

When you have finished working on the frames in PSP, and you want to work on the animation again in Animation Shop, you can do one of two things:

Using the Customize facility (View...Customize), drag the "Update Back to Animation Shop" command (which can be found in the Unused Commands category in Customize) back onto a toolbar, and use it to update the animation in Animation Shop with your changes.
Close the image in PSP - you will be asked if you want to save the changes:
If you click Yes, you will be presented with the Save As dialog, and you can save the image using its original name, or a new name. The changes you made to the animation will NOT be communicated to Animation Shop if you choose this path.
If you click the No button, you will be presented with the "Would you like to update the changes back to Animation Shop?" dialog. If you click Yes in this dialog, the changes are communicated to Animation Shop and the image closes. If you click No, the image closes without updating Animation Shop.

There are still some users who seem to have lost the ability to export frames from Animation Shop to PSP. For those users, it is still possible to work in PSP on frames opened in Animation Shop. Once you've selected the frames you want to work on in PSP, if SHIFT + X does not work, copy the frames (CTRL+C), then go to PSP and paste as a new image (CTRL+SHIFT+V). This will give you a layered image with all frames intact, from bottom to top.

For the users above who cannot directly export frames to PSP, the "Update Back to Animation Shop" command will not work either. The solution is to save the image in PSP once the changes have been made and reopen in Animation Shop.

Note: If you have to use this route to update frames, be sure to select all frames from the Animation (CTRL+A) before copying and pasting into PSP. If you choose only some of the frames, when you re-open the animation in Animation Shop, several frames will be missing!

Starting Animation Shop From Within PSP

Animation Shop no longer ships with PSP after PSP 9. However, if you have a previous version of PSP which included Animation Shop, you can use that version of Animation Shop with any version of PSP. To start Animation Shop from within PSP, I have provided a small script based on a function written by Gary Barton. Bind this script to an icon using Customize in PSP, and then place that icon on a toolbar or menu so that you can start Animation Shop at the touch of a button. Click here to download the script.

In this script, which must be installed in a Scripts-Trusted folder, I have used the path to the Animation Shop executable as found on my system - if your path is different, edit the script, changing the path in line 42.

If you need help binding the script to an icon, visit my Using Bound Scripts in PSP tutorial.

Removing PSP Installation Files

Some installations of PSP leave behind a whopping chunk of installation files. These are left to assist in repairing the installation without having to reload the CD or the download file, should repair be necessary. If you keep the CD or the download file, you may safely delete the "Installation Files" folder.

After deleting this folder, it is a good idea to remove the installer-defined shortcut to PSP on your Desktop and replace it with one you create. Right-click on the shortcut and choose Delete from the context menu. Then browse to the Corel PSP program folder, find the PSP program .exe file (called Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo.exe), right-click on that file and choose Create Shortcut from the context menu. Then just move this shortcut to your Desktop.

Extracting Color From Any Image

If you want to use a color in PSP that matches something you see on a web site, or on your Windows Desktop, or on the visible screen for any other program, this can easily be done from PSP. To capture the a color like this, you must be able to see both PSP and the application/window from which you want to capture the color. You may need to resize the PSP window.

To capture a color, set your Foreground or Background Material to Color, place your cursor over the Foreground or Background Material box, hold down the CTRL key, move the sampling eye dropper to the area on your screen where you want to capture the color. As you move across the screen, you will see the Sampling Screen tool tip follow the cursor. When you have the color you want in the Sampling Screen color box, left-click to capture the color:

sampling screen color capture

Viewing the Selection Marquee While Cropping

When the crop shading area feature is enabled, shading appears outside the crop rectangle, making it easier to see the projected results of your crop. However, if you have a selection marquee active in your image, the part of the selection marquee within the crop rectangle disappears as you adjust the crop rectangle, which can be counter-productive. If you want to be able to view the selection marquee at the same time as you adjust the crop rectangle, disable the Crop shading area feature by choosing File...Preferences...General Program Preferences, clicking on Transparency and Shading in the left panel, and UNchecking 'Enable crop shade area' in the Shading panel on the right. You might want to enable this feature again after your crop has been applied.

Disabling the Automatic Rotation of Images Using EXIF Data

If you find that your images are automatically rotating on open, and then need to be rotated back to be correct, this could be due to the fact that the EXIF data was not reset by another program which rotated the image. PSP reads the EXIF field that tells whether the camera took the shot in a rotated format, and rotates the image for you based on that EXIF data. Many software packages that rotate images for you do not update that field, so PSP does not know the image has already been rotated.

If you want to disable this automatic rotation by PSP, choose File...Preferences...File Format Preferences, click on the General tab, and UNcheck 'Rotate images automatically upon opening using EXIF data'.

Disabling the Smart Photo Fix Open for Raw Images

If you find that your raw image files are automatically invoking the Smart Photo Fix dialog on open, and you want to disable this, choose File...Preferences...File Format Preferences, click on the General tab, and UNcheck 'Open Camera Raw Images with Smart Photo Fix'.

bit vs 16-bit Images

One of the new photo features started in PSP X is support for 16-bit/channel functionality, which lets the user work with thousands of shades per color channel rather than the 256 shades per channel allowed by the 8-bit RGB color model. Before PSP X, PSP was only been able to handle images with 16 million colors. Starting with version X, PSP can handle images containing as many as 281 trillion colors - quite a box of crayons, huh! What this means to the average user is that when you make color and/or brightness corrections, the extra resolution creates far better results. There's so much more resolution to draw on that when you apply effects to a 16-bit image, the results are always much nicer looking. If you start with an 8-bit image and apply the same effects, the resulting image can become grainy or have noticeable banding and/or other artifacts.

To illustrate this graphically, I created an 8-bit image and a 16-bit image, filled both with a gradient, applied the Gaussian Blur effect twice, Unsharp Mask four times, and the Sharpen effect twelve times:

8 bit vs 16 bit images

Though the series of effects applied to these images is not something a person would normally do, the results are amazing, and illustrate the point that applying effects will/can produce radically different results.

Even though PSP X introduced 16-bit/channel color support, not all of PSP X+'s features support 16-bit images. You can see a complete list of commands, tools, and features that do fully support 16-bit/channel images in the 'What commands and features work with 16-bit per channel color images?' Corel Knowledge Base entry. In addition, none of the third-party plugins and filters will work on 16-bit images in PSP X+. This might change in the future, though many of these same plugins and filters do not work in the competition's 16-bit processing, either.

The average user who does not have a camera producing 16-bit images, or might be interested in printing such images, can ignore the above discussion. Just thought the comparison was interesting. I neither print my images, nor have a 16-bit image-producing camera.

Color Management Problems In PSP

There is much written about Color Management and whether or not you should have it enabled for PSP. This discussion is far beyond the scope of this document. However, there are viewing problems that occur for some users with PSP X+, and this entry will show you two simple ways to correct those problems.

By default, Color Management is enabled in PSP. Some users have experienced viewing problems, among which are the following:

Green, pick, or purple tint to all images.
All photos showing up darker or lighter than with other software, including previous versions of PSP.
Images totally black.
All blues showing up as purple, including in the Materials palette.
Strange edges in drop shadows and blurs.

If these or similar color problems happen to you, there are two simple choices that will rectify the problems:

Choose File...Color Management...Color Management and select the sRGB profile in the Monitor Profile drop-list; OR
Totally disable Color Management by UNchecking the Enable Color Management checkbox in the Color Management dialog.

For further information, you might want to download the Corel Color Management Overview article entitled PSPX Color Management.

Loading Newly-Added Plugins Without Restarting PSP

Usually, when you add a plugin to your plugins folders, that plugin does not appear in the Effects menu until PSP is restarted. To cause new plugins to appear in the Effects menu without restarting PSP, choose File...Preferences...File Locations, scroll down to Plug-ins in the File types window on the left, and then do one of the following:

Temporarily disable one of the paths that existed when you opened the File Locations dialog by clearing the Enable check box in the 'Plug-in file folders' panel (see blue arrow below), or
Change the order of path entries using the up/down arrows in the 'Plug-in file folders' panel (see red arrow below). When you save this change by clicking the OK button, PSP reloads the Plugins cache file, making your new plugin available without stopping and restarting PSP. You may want to re-open the File Locations dialog and reverse the change you made.

Running Pre-PSP X Text Scripts in Later Versions of PSP

Because of the ability new in PSP X to record text using either Points or Pixels, pre-PSP X scripts that write text may not work correctly in later versions of PSP. This is especially true when extracting text parameters from the Text tool Tool Options palette, and shows up most often if you execute the text script repeatedly, as when making multiple tags. If the resolution of the image is less than 95, the text might grow with each iteration of the script; on the other hand, if the image has a resolution that is greater than 95, the text may shrink with each iteration.

If this is a problem for you, make the following three changes to the problem script:

Change the Host Version in the def ScriptProperties statement at the beginning of the script from whatever it is to "'Host Version': '10.00'". Actually, you can insert any version number from 10 up. If the Hoxt Version is blank, or 8 or 9, PSP will think the text needs to be converted.

Note: If you subsequently attempt to run this same script in PSP 9, you will received a warning message when the script loads: "This script is from a newer version of Paint Shop Pro or the version could not be determined. You can continue to execute the script, but errors may occur or the script may produce unexpected results.". You can safely ignore this message and click the OK button.

Use the TextEx command and not the Text command. If the script contains the Text command from PSP 8, the system will think your text information needs to be converted, and this is likely to change the size of the text.
If you are extracting Text tool parameters from the Tool Options palette, be sure to set the Units parameter to Pixels:

Keeping Square Corners on Expanded Selections

If you expand a square or rectangular selection, the corners become rounded. In the following image, the selection on the left was expanded 30 pixels using Selections...Modify...Expand to produce the selection on the right:

selection expanded

If you want to keep the corners of a rectangular selection square when you expand the selection, use either of the following methods:

Use Edit Selection to expand the selection:
After creating the selection, choose Selections...Edit Selection.
Choose Image...Resize ('All layers' UNchecked) or use the Pick tool (K) or the Raster Deform tool (which is still available using its old shortcut key, D) to increase the size of the selection.
Choose Selections...Edit Selection to return to the selection marquee.
Use Selections...Modify...Expand to expand the selection, and then click on the 'Current selection' button in the 'Create selection from' section of the Selection tool Tool Options palette:

current selection button

Note: This second method will only work if the selection is a rectangle with sides parallel to the images edges.

In the following image, the selection on the left was expanded 10 pixels using Selections...Modify...Expand. The selection in the center was expanded the same number of pixels using the first method above. The selection on the right was created by applying the second method above directly to the image on the left. All selections were filled with color for visibility. Note the difference in the corners of the expanded, filled selections - either way gives you crisp, square corners:

expanded selections

Contacting Corel With Error Reports

If you find errors in PSP, or suffer from repeatable failures that you have fully documented and can explain, you can/should contact Corel - you can do this using the Corel Customer Help page.

When you contact Corel about a problem, be sure you include sufficient detail in your report so Corel technicians can reproduce your error. If they can't reproduce it, they can't fix it. In addition, be aware that problem reports about previous versions of PSP are generally ignored.

Filling Whole Areas of an Image With the Background Color

One way to fill whole areas of a flattened image with a color is to select the areas you want filled, make the color you want those areas filled with the Background color, and choose Edit...Clear (or hit the Delete key) - the selected area(s) will be flooded with the Background color. The background color is always used in this process (the one showing in the Background Color box), even if a gradient or pattern is selected in the Background Material box.

Color Management Problems In PSP

There is much written about Color Management and whether or not you should have it enabled for PSP. This discussion is far beyond the scope of this document. However, there are viewing problems that occur for some users with PSP X+, and this entry will show you two simple ways to correct those problems.

By default, Color Management is enabled in PSP. Some users have experienced viewing problems, among which are the following:

Green, pick, or purple tint to all images.
All photos showing up darker or lighter than with other software, including previous versions of PSP.
Images totally black.
All blues showing up as purple, including in the Materials palette.
Strange edges in drop shadows and blurs.

If these or similar color problems happen to you, there are two simple choices that will rectify the problems:

Choose File...Color Management...Color Management and select the sRGB profile in the Monitor Profile drop-list; OR
Totally disable Color Management by UNchecking the Enable Color Management checkbox in the Color Management dialog.

For further information, you might want to download the Corel Color Management Overview article entitled PSPX Color Management.

Loading Newly-Added Plugins Without Restarting PSP

Usually, when you add a plugin to your plugins folders, that plugin does not appear in the Effects menu until PSP is restarted. To cause new plugins to appear in the Effects menu without restarting PSP, choose File...Preferences...File Locations, scroll down to Plug-ins in the File types window on the left, and then do one of the following:
Temporarily disable one of the paths that existed when you opened the File Locations dialog by clearing the Enable check box in the 'Plug-in file folders' panel (see blue arrow below), or
Change the order of path entries using the up/down arrows in the 'Plug-in file folders' panel (see red arrow below).
plugins panel if File Locations dialog
When you save this change by clicking the OK button, PSP reloads the Plugins cache file, making your new plugin available without stopping and restarting PSP. You may want to re-open the File Locations dialog and reverse the change you made.

Running Pre-PSP X Text Scripts in Later Versions of PSP

Because of the ability new in PSP X to record text using either Points or Pixels, pre-PSP X scripts that write text may not work correctly in later versions of PSP. This is especially true when extracting text parameters from the Text tool Tool Options palette, and shows up most often if you execute the text script repeatedly, as when making multiple tags. If the resolution of the image is less than 95, the text might grow with each iteration of the script; on the other hand, if the image has a resolution that is greater than 95, the text may shrink with each iteration.

If this is a problem for you, make the following three changes to the problem script:

Change the Host Version in the def ScriptProperties statement at the beginning of the script from whatever it is to "'Host Version': '10.00'". Actually, you can insert any version number from 10 up. If the Hoxt Version is blank, or 8 or 9, PSP will think the text needs to be converted.

Note: If you subsequently attempt to run this same script in PSP 9, you will received a warning message when the script loads: "This script is from a newer version of Paint Shop Pro or the version could not be determined. You can continue to execute the script, but errors may occur or the script may produce unexpected results.". You can safely ignore this message and click the OK button.

Use the TextEx command and not the Text command. If the script contains the Text command from PSP 8, the system will think your text information needs to be converted, and this is likely to change the size of the text.
If you are extracting Text tool parameters from the Tool Options palette, be sure to set the Units parameter to Pixels:

units parameter in Text Tool Options palette

Contacting Corel With Error Reports

If you find errors in PSP, or suffer from repeatable failures that you have fully documented and can explain, you can/should contact Corel - you can do this using the Corel Customer Help page.

When you contact Corel about a problem, be sure you include sufficient detail in your report so Corel technicians can reproduce your error. If they can't reproduce it, they can't fix it. In addition, be aware that problem reports about previous versions of PSP are generally ignored.

Keeping Square Corners on Expanded Selections

If you expand a square or rectangular selection, the corners become rounded. In the following image, the selection on the left was expanded 30 pixels using Selections...Modify...Expand to produce the selection on the right:

selection expanded

If you want to keep the corners of a rectangular selection square when you expand the selection, use either of the following methods:

Use Edit Selection to expand the selection:
After creating the selection, choose Selections...Edit Selection.
Choose Image...Resize ('All layers' UNchecked) or use the Pick tool (K) or the Raster Deform tool (which is still available using its old shortcut key, D) to increase the size of the selection.
Choose Selections...Edit Selection to return to the selection marquee.
Use Selections...Modify...Expand to expand the selection, and then click on the 'Current selection' button in the 'Create selection from' section of the Selection tool Tool Options palette:

current selection button Note: This second method will only work if the selection is a rectangle with sides parallel to the images edges.

In the following image, the selection on the left was expanded 10 pixels using Selections...Modify...Expand. The selection in the center was expanded the same number of pixels using the first method above. The selection on the right was created by applying the second method above directly to the image on the left. All selections were filled with color for visibility. Note the difference in the corners of the expanded, filled selections - either way gives you crisp, square corners:

expanded selections

Filling Whole Areas of an Image With the Background Color

One way to fill whole areas of a flattened image with a color is to select the areas you want filled, make the color you want those areas filled with the Background color, and choose Edit...Clear (or hit the Delete key) - the selected area(s) will be flooded with the Background color. The background color is always used in this process (the one showing in the Background Color box), even if a gradient or pattern is selected in the Background Material box

Remove PSP From P C,how to removePSP,Tips for PSP

Corel has made a program available for removing PSP from your computer. These instructions provide a method that is much more thorough than using Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel. You can read about this program000004867 - Completely uninstalling and reinstalling Paint Shop Pro Photo


Before installing, disable the Firewall and Antivirus software!

Before you install a program, a patch or an update and whenever you want to change something on your system, since Vista you have to log in as administrator and the only way to get full administrator access is by turning off the User Account Control and right-click on a program, patch or update and go to "Run as Administrator". Otherwise, you will have problems working properly on your system.


Before you uninstall a program, please check whether you have installed the program as a user or an administrator.

You will not find some parts of the program, if you are logged in as an user, but you installed the software with your administrator account.


1. Control Panel:

Go to Start – Control Panel - Add and Remove Programs (XP)/Programs and Features (Vista) and remove Paint Shop Pro X2.

2. Registry:

Every program leaves keys in the Registry which need to be removed. Before you work in the registry, please make a backup copy by (export) the Registry first. If you make a mistake, then you can import the registry again.

Attention: If you have several Corel programs on your machine, please make sure that you carry out all the following instructions only for the program that you wish to remove.

Go to Start – Run and type “regedit” and press “Enter”.

If you work with Windows Vista/7, type “regedit” in the Search box and press “Enter”.

Open the following keys






and delete the following keys under the Corel\

The folder Paint Shop Pro X2 including all sub-folders

Please, check in HKEY_USERS\Software to make sure that there is no Corel or Program Paint Shop Pro X2 folder.

3. C:\

Important: When you have several Corel programs on your machine, please note that all instructions apply only to your program.

In C:\Program Files please delete the following files and folders:

The Corel folder, or, if you have other Corel programs, only the Paint Shop Pro X2 folder.

If you can’t see the AppData folder, go to Start – Control Panel – Folder options - View and activate “Show hidden Files and Folders”.

Go to:

C:\Documents and Settings\ADMINISTRATOR\AppData\Corel

C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR NAME\AppData\Corel

If you work with Vista, g to C:\Users\Agent\AppData\Roaming\Corel

and delete the folder Paint Shop Pro X2.

Go to: (look at the content in that folder and don't delete your own project files if you want to reinstall PSPPX2)

C:\My Documents\My PSP Files

and delete the folder

4. Turn your computer off completely and then turn it on again after several minutes.

Install Paint Shop Pro X2 again.

how to make connect jazz sim widh uk number in urdu

salam main ap ko pikistan ke kisi bhi network ke sath uk ke number ke sath conect krne ka tareeqa btata hon yani ke ap ki agr jazz sim hai ya koi or sim hai to wo numbre bhi chle ga or uk ka number bhi chle ga  ap ko is ka ik fida ho ga ke agr ap ka koi uk  main koi rhta hai to keonke  agr ap ko koi yhan se call kre ga to us ko uk wala reet pare ga masln 10 ya 11 rope  main yhan pr us wap ka link lga deta hon ap us klik karin site main ja kr ap Registration hon jain or aik free uk number le lin


asslam o alikum agp ke mobile main koi weras aji or ye weras aksar jo hai blutooth or mobile main softwere or theem  se ata hai to main ap ko is weras ko khtim krne ka tareeqa btata hon ap ne krna kia hai k agr ap ke paas nokia 7610 hai ya nokia 6600  ya 6700 ya 6120c ya 3600 yani ke jitne bhi symbin moile hain   ap ne ye cood tipe krna hai wo cood ye hai *#7370* hai jab ap ye cood tipe krin ge to ap ke samne restore ka aa jai ga ap ne us ko ok krna hai or phir 12345 ka cood tipe krna hai 1 minute main wo mobile reset kr de ga or agr ap ke paas symbian mobile nahi hai balka javamobile hai to ap settings ke folder main jai or restor  ke folder ko ok krin or 12345 ka cood tipe krin to wo rest kr de ga


asslam o alikum   main ap ko expired data apps and theem ke softwere ke bare main btata hon ke un ko kese instal kia jai sub se phle ap ne ap ne mobile ki date ko tabdeel kr ni hai yani ke agr 2011 ho to 2010 kr din agr phir bhi na instal ho to ik sun or peche kr din instal ho jai ga


asslam o alikum main ap ko china mobile main jazz sim ke sath free or teez internet chlane ka tareqa btata hon ap ne internet serivees ko kholna hai ap ne phir settings ko ok krna hai sim ko select krna hai or new profile ko ok krna hai sirf hompage main  ap ne WWW.JAZZ.COM.PK likhna hai or deta account ko ok krna hai or us main airtel gprs ko ok kr dena hai phir profile ko activet krna hai buhat hi tez chle ga internet 


Asalamu alaikum

Nokia Codes Tips and Tricks

To check the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity



Information you get from the IMEI-



TAC = Type approval code

FAC = Final assembly code

SNR = Serial number

SP = Spare

To check the phones Software revision



Information you get from the Software revision-

V 05.31



1ST Line = Software revision

2ND Line = The date of the software release

3RD Line = Phone type

To enter the service menu


*#92702689# (*#WAR0ANTY#)

Serial number (IMEI)

Production date (MM/YY)

Purchase date (MM/YY) You can only enter the date once.

Date of last repair (0000=No repair)

Transfer user data to another Nokia phone via Infra-Red

Clock Stopping

To check weather your SIM Card supports clock stopping type-

*#746025625# (*#SIM0CLOCK#)

Revealing the Headphone and Car-Kit menus

Please note that if you do these next tricks, the new menus can't be erased without retoring the factory default settings. To do these tricks you need to short-circuit the pins on the bottom of the phone next to where you plug in you charger.

1. To activate the "Headset" menu, you need to short-circuit pins "3" and "4". After a short time the word "Headset" will be shown in the display. Menu 3-6 is now enabled.

2. To activate the "Car" menu, you need to short-circuit pins "4" and "5". After a short time the word "Car" will be shown in the display. Menu 3-7 is now enabled.


This should work on all software versions of the 6110.

1. Go to the Calendar (Menu-8)

2. Make a note or reminder.

3. Enter some text into the edit box.

4. Hold "Clear" until the whole text is cleared, then press "Back".

5. Press "0". The main screen will now be showing but a space appears on the screen. (you can't see it)

6. Enter 4 digits (e.g. 1234).

7. Use the down arrow to move the cursor to the left side of the numbers and the space (Down arrow twice).

8. Now enter 6 digits and press the call button.

Wait for a few seconds, the screen should start to flash and reboots. It should alsowork on other menus like the "Profiles" menu.


To activate EFR (Enhanced Full Rate) Enter the code-


This improves call quality but decreases batterylife by about 5%

To deactivate it, Enter the code-



If you short-circuit theleft middle and right pins on the bottom of the phone with all connections touching each other, the Nokia software hangs! The profile "Headset" will be activated. Before you do this just activate the "Automatic Answer" in the headset profile and set the ringing volume to "Mute". Now you can use your phone for checking out what people are talking about in a room. Just place it under a table in a room and call it. The phone receives the call without ringing and you can listen to what people are saying.


There is a hidden menu inside your Nokia phone. If you want to activate it, you'll have to re-program some chips inside of your phone.

Check your software version. You can only continue if you have v4.33, v4.73 or v5.24.

Take apart the phone.

De-solder the EEPROM (ATMEL AT 24C64).

Read out the data with an EEPROM programmer and save it to a file (Backup).

If you have v.33 or v4.73, change the address "03B8" from "00" to "FF".

If you have v5.24 then change the address "0378" from "00" to "FF".

Write the new data to the EEPROM and solder it back to the phone,

Power on your phone and you should have "Netmonitor" enabled.

The Network Monitor gives you the following information.

Carrier number

MS RX Level in DBM

Received signal quality

MS TX power level

C1 (Path loss criterion, used for cell selection and reselection). The range is -99 to 99.

RTL (Radio link timeout).


Indication of the transmitter status

Information on the Network parameters.

TMSI (Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity).

Cell identification (Cell ID, Number of cells being used).

MCC (Mobile country code)

MCN (Mobile network code)

LAC (Location area code)

Ciphering (On/Off)

Hopping (On/Off)

DTX (On/Off)

Discard cell barred information


Note - If you bought your Nokia on UK Vodafone or UK Cellnet you do not need to check this because they both transmit on GSM900, and they don't lock the phones. However if you bought your phone on UK Orange or UK One2one your phone may be blocked. The reason is that they both transmitt on GSM1800. To make a call on GSM1800 you need what is known as a "Dual band" phone. A dual band phone is able to transmit on both GSM900 and GSM1800, so they lock the phones so you can't use it with any other network simcard. If you find that your phone is locked you can try different software to unlock it. (we havn't found one that works yet), or you can ask your service provider who will gladly exchange the 10 digit code for about £35.

This is how to check the status of the 4 different locks. Aslo don't try entering the wrong number, because after 3 times it will block the phone for good.

There are 4 different locks on your Nokia phone.





The code to read out the sim-lock status of your phone is






MASTERCODE = 1234567890


The master code is a secret code. The code has 10 digits, To read out the sim-lock status you can enter every combination you want!

"Y" Shows the status of the network-lock. Here you can enter a number from "1" to "4". The "4" is for the sim-card lock.






Mobile Phone Secrets & Tricks .:: NOKIA ::. Nokia Universal Codes

Code Description :
These Nokia codes will work on most Nokia Mobile Phones

(1) *3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%

(2) #3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) OR *3370# ( F avourite )

(3) *#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time.

(4) *#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec.

(5) *#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type. ( Favourite )

(6) *#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work.

(7) *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number). ( Favourite )

(Cool #pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w"
and "+" symbols).

(9) #pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w"
and "+" symbols).

(10) #pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w"
and "+" symbols).

(11) #pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w"
and "+" symbols).

(12) *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last.

(13) *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone).

(14) *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to

(15) *#2640# Displays security code in use.

(16) *#30# Lets you see the private number.

(17) *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.

(1Cool *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to.

(19) *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls
are diverted to.

(20) *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to.

(21) *#67705646# Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330.

(22) *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores.

(23) *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible.

(24) *#7760# Manufactures code.

(25) *#7780# Restore factory settings.

(26) *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110.

(27) *#92702689# Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again. ( Favourite )

(2Cool *#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem.

(29) **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered.

(30) **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered.

(31) **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered.

(32) 12345 This is the default security code.

press and hold # Lets you switch between lines

NOKIA 5110/5120/5130/5190

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]
Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #
Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+1
Network lock status #pw+1234567890+2
Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+3
SimCard lock status: #pw+1234567890+4

NOKIA 6110/6120/6130/6150/6190

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]
Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #

NOKIA 3110

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 # or * # 9 9 9 9 # or * # 3 1 1 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #

NOKIA 3330

This will show your warranty details *#92702689#
Basically increases the quality of calling sound, but decreases battery length.
Deactivates the above
Shows your software version
*#746025625#This shows if your phone will allow sim clock stoppage
Half Rate Codec activation. It will automatically restart
Half Rate Codec deactivation. It will automatically restart
Restore Factory Settings
To do this simply use this code *#7780#
Manufacturer Info
Date of Manufacturing *#3283#
*3001#12345# (TDMA phones only)

This will put your phone into programming mode, and you'll be presented with the programming menu.
2) Select "NAM1"
3) Select "PSID/RSID"
4) Select "P/RSID 1"
Note: Any of the P/RSIDs will work
5) Select "System Type" and set it to Private
6) Select "PSID/RSID" and set it to 1
7) Select "Connected System ID"
Note: Enter your System ID for Cantel, which is 16401 or 16423. If you don't know yours,
ask your local dealer for it.
Cool Select "Alpha Tag"
9) Enter a new tag, then press OK
10) Select "Operator Code (SOC)" and set it to 2050
11) Select "Country Code" and set it to 302 for Canada, and 310 for the US.
12) Power down the phone and power it back on again
To check the ISDN number on your Nokia use this code *#92772689#

.:: Ericsson ::.

Ericson T65

*#05# Fake Insert puk screen Press no to exit

Ericsson T20

Ericsson T20

MENU tecnichal Info
[type] >*<<*<* Displays : 1] Info service 1] Info SW 2] Info hardware 3] SIMlock 4]setup 2] Service setup 1] Contrast 3]Service Test 1] Display 2]Leds 3]Keyboard 4] ringer 5] Vibration 6]Headset 7] Microphone 8]Clock 4] Names List MENU info [Type] >*<<**< Network and Subnetwork : NCK and NSCK Ericsson T28 >*<<*<* menu Tecnichal info SW vers. and name list >*<<**< menu Personal Info Network and Subnetwork : NCK and NSCK < and > are the right and left menu's keys

Ericsson T18s/T10/A1018s

>*<<*<* software CXC125065 Internal product code PRG 970715 1515 Software version and SW rev. <* CLR <><** >*<<*<*> Displays texts and messages in the phone
It will be displayed " TEXT " then push YES
< and > are the right and left menu's keys
!!!><** Control /Enable SIM Lock!!! Ericsson R310 Technical Info : >*<<*<* Options : 1) service Info info Software Simlock Configuration 2) Service Test Display Led/Illumination Keyboard ringer Vibration Headset Microphone Clock 3)Text's name List Info personal : >*<<**<

SIM Locking ( 8 digits' code ) ( it could harm your phone )
1) Network
2) Subnetwork
3) SP
4) Corporate

.:: Siemens ::.

Siemens C25

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: put off sim card and enter: : * # 0 6 # and press LONG KEY
Bonus screen: in phone booke: + 1 2 0 2 2 2 4 3 1 2 1

.:: Bosch ::.

IMEI Number: * # 0 6 #
Dafault Language: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Net Monitor: * # 3 2 6 2 2 5 5 * 8 3 7 8 #

.::Alcatel ::.

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 6 #
Net Monitor: 0 0 0 0 0 0 *

.:: Samsung ::.

Samsung SGH600/2100DB

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 9 9 9 9 # albo * # 0 8 3 7 #
Net Monitor: * # 0 3 2 4 #
Chaning LCD contrast: * # 0 5 2 3 #
Memory info: * # 0 3 7 7 # albo * # 0 2 4 6 #
Reset pamieci (SIMLOCK`a removing!!!): *2767*3855#
Reset pamieci CUSTOM: *2767*2878#
Battery state: * # 9 9 9 8 * 2 2 8 #
Alarm beeper: *#9998*289#
Vibra test: *#9998*842#

.:: Dancall ::.

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 9 9 9 9 #

.:: Philips ::.

*#3333*# Displays the blocking list.
*#7489*# Displays the security code.
*#06# Displays the IMEI number.
*#8377*# Displays the SW info.

.:: Panasonic ::.

Panasonic gd90 gd93

*#9999# SW - Type the code on switch on , during network seek
-Vers. SW and production code
Enable ringing and vibration contemporarily
Enable vibration with # then increase volume with "tone menu "

Panasonic gd70

*#9999# SW - Type the code on switch on , during network seek
-Vers. SW and production code
Enable ringing and vibration contemporarily
Enable vibration with # then increase volume with "tone menu "

.:: Acer ::.

Acer V 750

*#400# Display Adc/ Set Cal-Value -
*#402# Set LCD Contrast
*#403# Display Errors Info
*#300# Display Info Hw & Sw
*#301# Menu Test
*#302# Menu Acoustics
*#303# (Settings saved) Set English language?
*#307# Menu Engineering
*#311# Reset Phone Code - [ Also reset Security Codes ! ]
*#330# (Execute not success) [ unknown ]
*#331# (Service deactivated) [ unknown ]
*#332# (Service unavailable)[ unknown ]
*#333# (Execute not success)[ unknown ]
*#351# (Service unavailable) [ unknown ]
*#360# (Invalid input)[ unknown ]
*#361# (Invalid input) [ unknown ]
*#362# (Invalid input) [ unknown ]
*#363# (Invalid input) [ unknown ]

.:: Genie ::.

Genie DB

*#06# IMEI.
*#2254*# Near Cell Mode.

For every received BTS will be displayed :
Current channel and 2 channel levels

*#06# IMEI
*#2558# time of network connection ( D/H/M )
*#2562# Fores reconnection to network
!!!*#7489# Dispalys and modify phones' security code!!!
!!!*#3377# SIM lock information !!!
*#7378# SIM card Informations : supported phase name and tipe
*#7693# Enable/disable "Sleep Mode"
*#8463# State of "Sleep Mode"
*#2255# Debug Call Mode enable/disable
*#3333*# Displays the blocking list.
*#7489*# Displays the security code
*#06# Displays the IMEI number
*#8377*# Displays the SW info.

.:: NEC ::.

NEC db2000

*#2820# software vers.
IMEI *#06#
Reset *73738# (send?)
SP Lock info:
* # 3210 # (send?)
Network barring info : *#8140# (send?)
( it could harm your phone )
SIM lock it could harm your phone )
*#4960 # (send?) -Inquiry * 4960 * password * password # (send?) lock
#4960* password # (send?) unlock
[password] [8 digits]
Net Lock
*#7320# (send?) -Inquiry * 7320 * password * password # (send?) lock
#7320* password # (send?) unlock
[password] [ 8 digits]
Net Lock 2:
*#2220# (invio) - Inquiry * 2220 * password * password # (send?) lock
#2220* password # (invio?)unlock
[password] [8 digits]
Unlock subnetwork
*#1110# (send?) - inquiry * 1110 * password * password # (send?) lock
#1110* password # (send?) unlock
[password] [nĂ¯¿½ 8 cifre]
( it could harm your phone )

.:: Trium ::.

Trium Geo/Geo @ - Astral - Cosmo -Aria

Enter the menu and type *
A new menu will be displayed :
Application : SW version and battery's voltage

Trium Galaxy
Push * and type 5806: Production date and SW version

.:: Telit ::.

Telit GM 810

MONITOR - technical menu - : type ++++ and push OK.
Adiacent cells list : # and *
Now if you push OK the phone displays battery ' s voltage and temperature

.:: Sagem ::.

Sagem MC959/940

Select commands' menu and push *
Displays a new menu' :
Appli : software vers. and battery's voltage
Sim Lock
Test LCD: display test , green/red and vibration

Sagem MC920

Select commands' menu and push *
Displays 5 new menus :

BATTERY (voltage )

3!!! SIM LOCK (10 digits code requested ) !!!
SYMBOL 2 (test2 LCD)
BLACK (all icons and carachters displayed )
FOR PHOTO (welcome message and time )
VIBRATOR (vibration test )

.:: Sony ::.

Sony CMD Z5/J5

Vers. SW :
Without SIM , switch on phone and type l *#7353273#

.:: Eprom ::.

!!! Sim Lock [10 digits code ] ( it could harm your phone )
Test LCD: display test of the green/red leds and vibration
Push * and type 4329 :enables/disables network monitor 1 (the same of MT35)
Push * and type 621342 :enables/disables network monitor 2
Push * and type 5807 : Serial Number Software Vers.
Push * and type 936505: IMEI -- Software Vers.
TPush * and type 547 : Test serial Data Cable DISPLAYS :"Testmode"
Push * and type 362628: ISMI BLOCK (UNKNOWN)
Push * and type 476989: NS BLOCK (UNKNOWN)
Push * and type 482896:CP BLOCK (UNKNOWN)
Push * and type 787090: ? BLOCK (UNKNOWN)
Push * and type 787292 : block current network
!!! Push * and type 967678: SP LOCK!!!
Push * and type 850696:Warm Start ( ENABLE/DISABLE)
Push * and type 3926 : Swicth off phone
Push * and type 5806: Production date and SW version

.:: Motorola ::.

Motorola V3688

IMEI *#06#
Enhanced Full Rate Codec EFR
Enable EFR : [][][] 119 [] 1 [] OK.
disable EFR : [][][] 119 [] 0 [] OK

.:: Tips and Tricks ::.

Send an E-mail from your GSM

From your telephone you can send an email to whichever E-mail customer of the Internet network.

The e-mail will be sent to the maximum of within an hour from the reception.

The sended message will contain in luminosity the telephone number of the sender.

In order for sending e-mail, send an SMS with this syntax (always separated by spaces):

EMA name@domain text-of-your-email

Example: in order to send an email to , do the following:

EMA text-of-your-email

if your phone cant print @ replace it with a !

EMA johon! text-of-your-email

And then send this message to the folloving number: +39 338 8641732

Free SMS Center numbers

From your telephone you can send SMS messages of 160 char. max. to another GSM phone

Your message will be sent through an SMS Center (usually the one that gave your provider)

You pay a little fee depending of your provider, BUT YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY something

In order for sending SMS without paying anything, you got to change your SMS Center number with these one

+491722270300 or +358405202999 or +352021100003

Codes (that they dont tell you in the manual)

To check the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) type: *#06#

Information you get from the IMEI:

TAC = Type Approval Code (first 2 digits = country code).

FAC = Final Assembly Code (For Nokia phonfiltered=10).

SNR = Serial Number.

SP = Spare (always SP=0).

To check the phone's software (firmware revision information) type: *#0000# ( or for some phones outher then Nokia 61XX you can try *#model nummber# ex. for 8110 *#8110#)

Information you can get from the phone's software version:
V 3.14

1st line: Software version.
2nd line: The date of the software release.
3nd line: Phone type, .

Some versions and dates:

V 3.14 28/11/97

V4.33 11/03/98

V 4.73 22/04/98

V 5.24 14/9/98

Pin-Out Diagram for the 6110

3 - XMIC MIC INPUT 60mV - 1V
6 - MBUS 9600 B/S
7 - FBUS_RX 9.6 - 230.4 KB/S
8 - FBUS_TX 9.6 - 230.4 KB/S

Revealing Headphone and Car-Kit Menus

Think about this: If you do these tricks the new menus can not be erased after the procedure. But it's not dangerous or harmful for your phone

To enable the headset-function, you have to short-circuit the "3" and "4". After a short time there is "Headset" on the display Now, menu 3-6 is now enabled!

To enable the carkit-function you have to short-circuit the "4" and "5". After a short time, "Car" is shown on the display and the menu 3-7 is enabled!!

This Trick is for you how want to hear more then your supposed to !

If you short-circuit the left and the right contact with the middle contact ("3", "6" and "9") the Nokia Software hangs! The profile "Headset" will be activated. Before you do this, just active the "auto call receive" function in the headphone profile and set the ringing volume to "mute" Now you can use your phone for checking out what people are talking about in a room. Place the phone somewhere stratidic and call your phone! The phone receives the call without ringing and you can listen to what people are talking about! .....gr8...

Serial numbers on your 6110

For more info type: *#92702689#
The first screen gives you the serial and IMEI number.
Then there is the Date of Manufacture: ex. Made 1297
Then there is the Purchasing Date: ex. Purchasing Date 0298
Then there is the last Repair Date: ex. Repaired: 0000

Note: you must turn off the phone to exit after this test, because of the last function, "transfer user data" which doesn't work as "standard"....You can use this mode only to transfer all Calender, Profile and Callers Group Information to another phone (eg. if you are replacing phone or configuring phones for use within your company or when a particular phone doesn't works correctly )

Activating and deactivating EFR and HFR, on your 6110

*3370# to activate Enhanced Full Rate - Makes calls sound better, but decreases the battery life by about 5%.

#3370# to deactivate Enhanced Full Rate

*4720# to activate Half Rate Mode - Drops call quality, but increases battery life by about 30%.

#4720# to deactivate Half Rate Mode


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Asalamu alaikum

Nokia Codes Tips and Tricks

To check the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity



Information you get from the IMEI-



TAC = Type approval code

FAC = Final assembly code

SNR = Serial number

SP = Spare

To check the phones Software revision



Information you get from the Software revision-

V 05.31



1ST Line = Software revision

2ND Line = The date of the software release

3RD Line = Phone type

To enter the service menu


*#92702689# (*#WAR0ANTY#)

Serial number (IMEI)

Production date (MM/YY)

Purchase date (MM/YY) You can only enter the date once.

Date of last repair (0000=No repair)

Transfer user data to another Nokia phone via Infra-Red

Clock Stopping

To check weather your SIM Card supports clock stopping type-

*#746025625# (*#SIM0CLOCK#)

Revealing the Headphone and Car-Kit menus

Please note that if you do these next tricks, the new menus can't be erased without retoring the factory default settings. To do these tricks you need to short-circuit the pins on the bottom of the phone next to where you plug in you charger.

1. To activate the "Headset" menu, you need to short-circuit pins "3" and "4". After a short time the word "Headset" will be shown in the display. Menu 3-6 is now enabled.

2. To activate the "Car" menu, you need to short-circuit pins "4" and "5". After a short time the word "Car" will be shown in the display. Menu 3-7 is now enabled.


This should work on all software versions of the 6110.

1. Go to the Calendar (Menu-8)

2. Make a note or reminder.

3. Enter some text into the edit box.

4. Hold "Clear" until the whole text is cleared, then press "Back".

5. Press "0". The main screen will now be showing but a space appears on the screen. (you can't see it)

6. Enter 4 digits (e.g. 1234).

7. Use the down arrow to move the cursor to the left side of the numbers and the space (Down arrow twice).

8. Now enter 6 digits and press the call button.

Wait for a few seconds, the screen should start to flash and reboots. It should alsowork on other menus like the "Profiles" menu.


To activate EFR (Enhanced Full Rate) Enter the code-


This improves call quality but decreases batterylife by about 5%

To deactivate it, Enter the code-



If you short-circuit theleft middle and right pins on the bottom of the phone with all connections touching each other, the Nokia software hangs! The profile "Headset" will be activated. Before you do this just activate the "Automatic Answer" in the headset profile and set the ringing volume to "Mute". Now you can use your phone for checking out what people are talking about in a room. Just place it under a table in a room and call it. The phone receives the call without ringing and you can listen to what people are saying.


There is a hidden menu inside your Nokia phone. If you want to activate it, you'll have to re-program some chips inside of your phone.

Check your software version. You can only continue if you have v4.33, v4.73 or v5.24.

Take apart the phone.

De-solder the EEPROM (ATMEL AT 24C64).

Read out the data with an EEPROM programmer and save it to a file (Backup).

If you have v.33 or v4.73, change the address "03B8" from "00" to "FF".

If you have v5.24 then change the address "0378" from "00" to "FF".

Write the new data to the EEPROM and solder it back to the phone,

Power on your phone and you should have "Netmonitor" enabled.

The Network Monitor gives you the following information.

Carrier number

MS RX Level in DBM

Received signal quality

MS TX power level

C1 (Path loss criterion, used for cell selection and reselection). The range is -99 to 99.

RTL (Radio link timeout).


Indication of the transmitter status

Information on the Network parameters.

TMSI (Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity).

Cell identification (Cell ID, Number of cells being used).

MCC (Mobile country code)

MCN (Mobile network code)

LAC (Location area code)

Ciphering (On/Off)

Hopping (On/Off)

DTX (On/Off)

Discard cell barred information


Note - If you bought your Nokia on UK Vodafone or UK Cellnet you do not need to check this because they both transmit on GSM900, and they don't lock the phones. However if you bought your phone on UK Orange or UK One2one your phone may be blocked. The reason is that they both transmitt on GSM1800. To make a call on GSM1800 you need what is known as a "Dual band" phone. A dual band phone is able to transmit on both GSM900 and GSM1800, so they lock the phones so you can't use it with any other network simcard. If you find that your phone is locked you can try different software to unlock it. (we havn't found one that works yet), or you can ask your service provider who will gladly exchange the 10 digit code for about £35.

This is how to check the status of the 4 different locks. Aslo don't try entering the wrong number, because after 3 times it will block the phone for good.

There are 4 different locks on your Nokia phone.





The code to read out the sim-lock status of your phone is






MASTERCODE = 1234567890


The master code is a secret code. The code has 10 digits, To read out the sim-lock status you can enter every combination you want!

"Y" Shows the status of the network-lock. Here you can enter a number from "1" to "4". The "4" is for the sim-card lock.






Mobile Phone Secrets & Tricks .:: NOKIA ::. Nokia Universal Codes

Code Description :
These Nokia codes will work on most Nokia Mobile Phones

(1) *3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%

(2) #3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) OR *3370# ( F avourite )

(3) *#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time.

(4) *#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec.

(5) *#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type. ( Favourite )

(6) *#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work.

(7) *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number). ( Favourite )

(Cool #pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w"
and "+" symbols).

(9) #pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w"
and "+" symbols).

(10) #pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w"
and "+" symbols).

(11) #pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w"
and "+" symbols).

(12) *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last.

(13) *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone).

(14) *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to

(15) *#2640# Displays security code in use.

(16) *#30# Lets you see the private number.

(17) *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.

(1Cool *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to.

(19) *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls
are diverted to.

(20) *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to.

(21) *#67705646# Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330.

(22) *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores.

(23) *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible.

(24) *#7760# Manufactures code.

(25) *#7780# Restore factory settings.

(26) *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110.

(27) *#92702689# Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again. ( Favourite )

(2Cool *#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem.

(29) **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered.

(30) **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered.

(31) **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered.

(32) 12345 This is the default security code.

press and hold # Lets you switch between lines

NOKIA 5110/5120/5130/5190

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]
Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #
Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+1
Network lock status #pw+1234567890+2
Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+3
SimCard lock status: #pw+1234567890+4

NOKIA 6110/6120/6130/6150/6190

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]
Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #

NOKIA 3110

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 # or * # 9 9 9 9 # or * # 3 1 1 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #

NOKIA 3330

This will show your warranty details *#92702689#
Basically increases the quality of calling sound, but decreases battery length.
Deactivates the above
Shows your software version
*#746025625#This shows if your phone will allow sim clock stoppage
Half Rate Codec activation. It will automatically restart
Half Rate Codec deactivation. It will automatically restart
Restore Factory Settings
To do this simply use this code *#7780#
Manufacturer Info
Date of Manufacturing *#3283#
*3001#12345# (TDMA phones only)

This will put your phone into programming mode, and you'll be presented with the programming menu.
2) Select "NAM1"
3) Select "PSID/RSID"
4) Select "P/RSID 1"
Note: Any of the P/RSIDs will work
5) Select "System Type" and set it to Private
6) Select "PSID/RSID" and set it to 1
7) Select "Connected System ID"
Note: Enter your System ID for Cantel, which is 16401 or 16423. If you don't know yours,
ask your local dealer for it.
Cool Select "Alpha Tag"
9) Enter a new tag, then press OK
10) Select "Operator Code (SOC)" and set it to 2050
11) Select "Country Code" and set it to 302 for Canada, and 310 for the US.
12) Power down the phone and power it back on again
To check the ISDN number on your Nokia use this code *#92772689#

.:: Ericsson ::.

Ericson T65

*#05# Fake Insert puk screen Press no to exit

Ericsson T20

Ericsson T20

MENU tecnichal Info
[type] >*<<*<* Displays : 1] Info service 1] Info SW 2] Info hardware 3] SIMlock 4]setup 2] Service setup 1] Contrast 3]Service Test 1] Display 2]Leds 3]Keyboard 4] ringer 5] Vibration 6]Headset 7] Microphone 8]Clock 4] Names List MENU info [Type] >*<<**< Network and Subnetwork : NCK and NSCK Ericsson T28 >*<<*<* menu Tecnichal info SW vers. and name list >*<<**< menu Personal Info Network and Subnetwork : NCK and NSCK < and > are the right and left menu's keys

Ericsson T18s/T10/A1018s

>*<<*<* software CXC125065 Internal product code PRG 970715 1515 Software version and SW rev. <* CLR <><** >*<<*<*> Displays texts and messages in the phone
It will be displayed " TEXT " then push YES
< and > are the right and left menu's keys
!!!><** Control /Enable SIM Lock!!! Ericsson R310 Technical Info : >*<<*<* Options : 1) service Info info Software Simlock Configuration 2) Service Test Display Led/Illumination Keyboard ringer Vibration Headset Microphone Clock 3)Text's name List Info personal : >*<<**<

SIM Locking ( 8 digits' code ) ( it could harm your phone )
1) Network
2) Subnetwork
3) SP
4) Corporate

.:: Siemens ::.

Siemens C25

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: put off sim card and enter: : * # 0 6 # and press LONG KEY
Bonus screen: in phone booke: + 1 2 0 2 2 2 4 3 1 2 1

.:: Bosch ::.

IMEI Number: * # 0 6 #
Dafault Language: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Net Monitor: * # 3 2 6 2 2 5 5 * 8 3 7 8 #

.::Alcatel ::.

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 6 #
Net Monitor: 0 0 0 0 0 0 *

.:: Samsung ::.

Samsung SGH600/2100DB

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 9 9 9 9 # albo * # 0 8 3 7 #
Net Monitor: * # 0 3 2 4 #
Chaning LCD contrast: * # 0 5 2 3 #
Memory info: * # 0 3 7 7 # albo * # 0 2 4 6 #
Reset pamieci (SIMLOCK`a removing!!!): *2767*3855#
Reset pamieci CUSTOM: *2767*2878#
Battery state: * # 9 9 9 8 * 2 2 8 #
Alarm beeper: *#9998*289#
Vibra test: *#9998*842#

.:: Dancall ::.

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 9 9 9 9 #

.:: Philips ::.

*#3333*# Displays the blocking list.
*#7489*# Displays the security code.
*#06# Displays the IMEI number.
*#8377*# Displays the SW info.

.:: Panasonic ::.

Panasonic gd90 gd93

*#9999# SW - Type the code on switch on , during network seek
-Vers. SW and production code
Enable ringing and vibration contemporarily
Enable vibration with # then increase volume with "tone menu "

Panasonic gd70

*#9999# SW - Type the code on switch on , during network seek
-Vers. SW and production code
Enable ringing and vibration contemporarily
Enable vibration with # then increase volume with "tone menu "

.:: Acer ::.

Acer V 750

*#400# Display Adc/ Set Cal-Value -
*#402# Set LCD Contrast
*#403# Display Errors Info
*#300# Display Info Hw & Sw
*#301# Menu Test
*#302# Menu Acoustics
*#303# (Settings saved) Set English language?
*#307# Menu Engineering
*#311# Reset Phone Code - [ Also reset Security Codes ! ]
*#330# (Execute not success) [ unknown ]
*#331# (Service deactivated) [ unknown ]
*#332# (Service unavailable)[ unknown ]
*#333# (Execute not success)[ unknown ]
*#351# (Service unavailable) [ unknown ]
*#360# (Invalid input)[ unknown ]
*#361# (Invalid input) [ unknown ]
*#362# (Invalid input) [ unknown ]
*#363# (Invalid input) [ unknown ]

.:: Genie ::.

Genie DB

*#06# IMEI.
*#2254*# Near Cell Mode.

For every received BTS will be displayed :
Current channel and 2 channel levels

*#06# IMEI
*#2558# time of network connection ( D/H/M )
*#2562# Fores reconnection to network
!!!*#7489# Dispalys and modify phones' security code!!!
!!!*#3377# SIM lock information !!!
*#7378# SIM card Informations : supported phase name and tipe
*#7693# Enable/disable "Sleep Mode"
*#8463# State of "Sleep Mode"
*#2255# Debug Call Mode enable/disable
*#3333*# Displays the blocking list.
*#7489*# Displays the security code
*#06# Displays the IMEI number
*#8377*# Displays the SW info.

.:: NEC ::.

NEC db2000

*#2820# software vers.
IMEI *#06#
Reset *73738# (send?)
SP Lock info:
* # 3210 # (send?)
Network barring info : *#8140# (send?)
( it could harm your phone )
SIM lock it could harm your phone )
*#4960 # (send?) -Inquiry * 4960 * password * password # (send?) lock
#4960* password # (send?) unlock
[password] [8 digits]
Net Lock
*#7320# (send?) -Inquiry * 7320 * password * password # (send?) lock
#7320* password # (send?) unlock
[password] [ 8 digits]
Net Lock 2:
*#2220# (invio) - Inquiry * 2220 * password * password # (send?) lock
#2220* password # (invio?)unlock
[password] [8 digits]
Unlock subnetwork
*#1110# (send?) - inquiry * 1110 * password * password # (send?) lock
#1110* password # (send?) unlock
[password] [nĂ¯¿½ 8 cifre]
( it could harm your phone )

.:: Trium ::.

Trium Geo/Geo @ - Astral - Cosmo -Aria

Enter the menu and type *
A new menu will be displayed :
Application : SW version and battery's voltage

Trium Galaxy
Push * and type 5806: Production date and SW version

.:: Telit ::.

Telit GM 810

MONITOR - technical menu - : type ++++ and push OK.
Adiacent cells list : # and *
Now if you push OK the phone displays battery ' s voltage and temperature

.:: Sagem ::.

Sagem MC959/940

Select commands' menu and push *
Displays a new menu' :
Appli : software vers. and battery's voltage
Sim Lock
Test LCD: display test , green/red and vibration

Sagem MC920

Select commands' menu and push *
Displays 5 new menus :

BATTERY (voltage )

3!!! SIM LOCK (10 digits code requested ) !!!
SYMBOL 2 (test2 LCD)
BLACK (all icons and carachters displayed )
FOR PHOTO (welcome message and time )
VIBRATOR (vibration test )

.:: Sony ::.

Sony CMD Z5/J5

Vers. SW :
Without SIM , switch on phone and type l *#7353273#

.:: Eprom ::.

!!! Sim Lock [10 digits code ] ( it could harm your phone )
Test LCD: display test of the green/red leds and vibration
Push * and type 4329 :enables/disables network monitor 1 (the same of MT35)
Push * and type 621342 :enables/disables network monitor 2
Push * and type 5807 : Serial Number Software Vers.
Push * and type 936505: IMEI -- Software Vers.
TPush * and type 547 : Test serial Data Cable DISPLAYS :"Testmode"
Push * and type 362628: ISMI BLOCK (UNKNOWN)
Push * and type 476989: NS BLOCK (UNKNOWN)
Push * and type 482896:CP BLOCK (UNKNOWN)
Push * and type 787090: ? BLOCK (UNKNOWN)
Push * and type 787292 : block current network
!!! Push * and type 967678: SP LOCK!!!
Push * and type 850696:Warm Start ( ENABLE/DISABLE)
Push * and type 3926 : Swicth off phone
Push * and type 5806: Production date and SW version

.:: Motorola ::.

Motorola V3688

IMEI *#06#
Enhanced Full Rate Codec EFR
Enable EFR : [][][] 119 [] 1 [] OK.
disable EFR : [][][] 119 [] 0 [] OK

.:: Tips and Tricks ::.

Send an E-mail from your GSM

From your telephone you can send an email to whichever E-mail customer of the Internet network.

The e-mail will be sent to the maximum of within an hour from the reception.

The sended message will contain in luminosity the telephone number of the sender.

In order for sending e-mail, send an SMS with this syntax (always separated by spaces):

EMA name@domain text-of-your-email

Example: in order to send an email to , do the following:

EMA text-of-your-email

if your phone cant print @ replace it with a !

EMA johon! text-of-your-email

And then send this message to the folloving number: +39 338 8641732

Free SMS Center numbers

From your telephone you can send SMS messages of 160 char. max. to another GSM phone

Your message will be sent through an SMS Center (usually the one that gave your provider)

You pay a little fee depending of your provider, BUT YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY something

In order for sending SMS without paying anything, you got to change your SMS Center number with these one

+491722270300 or +358405202999 or +352021100003

Codes (that they dont tell you in the manual)

To check the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) type: *#06#

Information you get from the IMEI:

TAC = Type Approval Code (first 2 digits = country code).

FAC = Final Assembly Code (For Nokia phonfiltered=10).

SNR = Serial Number.

SP = Spare (always SP=0).

To check the phone's software (firmware revision information) type: *#0000# ( or for some phones outher then Nokia 61XX you can try *#model nummber# ex. for 8110 *#8110#)

Information you can get from the phone's software version:
V 3.14

1st line: Software version.
2nd line: The date of the software release.
3nd line: Phone type, .

Some versions and dates:

V 3.14 28/11/97

V4.33 11/03/98

V 4.73 22/04/98

V 5.24 14/9/98

Pin-Out Diagram for the 6110

3 - XMIC MIC INPUT 60mV - 1V
6 - MBUS 9600 B/S
7 - FBUS_RX 9.6 - 230.4 KB/S
8 - FBUS_TX 9.6 - 230.4 KB/S

Revealing Headphone and Car-Kit Menus

Think about this: If you do these tricks the new menus can not be erased after the procedure. But it's not dangerous or harmful for your phone

To enable the headset-function, you have to short-circuit the "3" and "4". After a short time there is "Headset" on the display Now, menu 3-6 is now enabled!

To enable the carkit-function you have to short-circuit the "4" and "5". After a short time, "Car" is shown on the display and the menu 3-7 is enabled!!

This Trick is for you how want to hear more then your supposed to !

If you short-circuit the left and the right contact with the middle contact ("3", "6" and "9") the Nokia Software hangs! The profile "Headset" will be activated. Before you do this, just active the "auto call receive" function in the headphone profile and set the ringing volume to "mute" Now you can use your phone for checking out what people are talking about in a room. Place the phone somewhere stratidic and call your phone! The phone receives the call without ringing and you can listen to what people are talking about! .....gr8...

Serial numbers on your 6110

For more info type: *#92702689#
The first screen gives you the serial and IMEI number.
Then there is the Date of Manufacture: ex. Made 1297
Then there is the Purchasing Date: ex. Purchasing Date 0298
Then there is the last Repair Date: ex. Repaired: 0000

Note: you must turn off the phone to exit after this test, because of the last function, "transfer user data" which doesn't work as "standard"....You can use this mode only to transfer all Calender, Profile and Callers Group Information to another phone (eg. if you are replacing phone or configuring phones for use within your company or when a particular phone doesn't works correctly )

Activating and deactivating EFR and HFR, on your 6110

*3370# to activate Enhanced Full Rate - Makes calls sound better, but decreases the battery life by about 5%.

#3370# to deactivate Enhanced Full Rate

*4720# to activate Half Rate Mode - Drops call quality, but increases battery life by about 30%.

#4720# to deactivate Half Rate Mode


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