Because of the ability new in PSP X to record text using either Points or Pixels, pre-PSP X scripts that write text may not work correctly in later versions of PSP. This is especially true when extracting text parameters from the Text tool Tool Options palette, and shows up most often if you execute the text script repeatedly, as when making multiple tags. If the resolution of the image is less than 95, the text might grow with each iteration of the script; on the other hand, if the image has a resolution that is greater than 95, the text may shrink with each iteration.
If this is a problem for you, make the following three changes to the problem script:
Change the Host Version in the def ScriptProperties statement at the beginning of the script from whatever it is to "'Host Version': '10.00'". Actually, you can insert any version number from 10 up. If the Hoxt Version is blank, or 8 or 9, PSP will think the text needs to be converted.
Note: If you subsequently attempt to run this same script in PSP 9, you will received a warning message when the script loads: "This script is from a newer version of Paint Shop Pro or the version could not be determined. You can continue to execute the script, but errors may occur or the script may produce unexpected results.". You can safely ignore this message and click the OK button.
Use the TextEx command and not the Text command. If the script contains the Text command from PSP 8, the system will think your text information needs to be converted, and this is likely to change the size of the text.
If you are extracting Text tool parameters from the Tool Options palette, be sure to set the Units parameter to Pixels: